Bring Colonel John Mollison 'Who's the Guy in Back' into Your Classroom or Group!
The Film describes Col John Mollison’s uncommon rise from a childhood of poverty to residency in Boys Town to the Vietnam War where, as a Weapons Systems Officer, found exceptional success in the face of combat. The livestream Q&A will allow audience members opportunity to text questions to either Mollison or Eastman.The downloadable Educator’s Kit (available after 22 Jan) contains unpublished artwork, photographs and insight into the service of the Weapons Systems Officer (WSO) and coursework designed to bring this rare history into a perspective that anyone can profit from.
Using the 'Who's the Guy in Back' Educators Kit Package
The two free main components of the Colonel John Mollison Educators Kit were designed to allow the individual teacher flexibility in addressing their specific needs. Downloading, printing and distributing is encouraged but please respect the copyright and hard work of the many people who contributed by not altering content, hosting it or distributing it without written permission.
This fifteen page .pdf uses the story of 'Who's the Guy in Back' as a launching point to challenge students to define their own dream of success and realize it through intelligent work and positive behavior.
Interested in downloading the Main Kit, click HERE.
These worksheets provide the practical aspect of bringing 'Who's the Guy in Back' into the classroom. There are five pages and each one features two questions for students to thoughtfully and independently engage with Colonel John Mollison' story.
Interested in downloading the Worksheets, click HERE.