About the Distinguished Flying Cross Society

The Distinguished Flying Cross Society is a 501 (c) 19 nonprofit war veterans’ organization dedicated to honoring, preserving, and teaching and publishing the history and traditions of the men and women who have been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. We are based in San Diego, California.
The Society was founded in1994. Members are DFC recipients who either joined the Society or whose loved ones made them members posthumously. Their names are listed on our Honor Roll in perpetuity. Associate members are ‘spouses, relatives and descendants of individuals who were awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and are members of the Society.
Note that our Honor Roll is the list of Society members, not a comprehensive listing of all DFC recipients. Unfortunately, the government has not kept a cumulative record of DFC recipients, therefore no one knows how many have been awarded nor is there a master list of names.
The DFC Society holds biennial Reunions in various locations throughout the United States to reunite DFC Society members. Each Reunion includes various programs, lectures, tours, dinners, and other activities which provide a forum for patriotic, historical, and social endeavors as well as celebrate the camaraderie among our members.
We publish the DFCS News Magazine two times a year to keep members informed of Society activities and to highlight personal accounts of its members’ exploits. As compared to the first mimeographed newsletters, the contemporary news magazines, featuring color graphics and photographs, are digitally produced and shared throughout the international aviation and the air museum communities.
To further relate the history and traditions of the men and women who were awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Society has an educational outreach program. We have developed documentaries and online streaming interviews about the Society and noteworthy members. We also reach out to schools, ROTC and JROTC units, Civil Air Patrol, scouting organizations, and the interested public.
The DFC Society has had an active scholarship program since 1998. The Society annually provides financial awards to deserving descendants or legally adopted children of DFCS members. The program was first endowed by Lydia Macauley and named in honor of her husband, Ward Macauley. We have since established Annual, Multi-Year Named Scholarship Funds by specific donations from The RGT Charitable Remainder Trust and from DFC Society members Colonel Bill Garner and Commander Evelyn Moy.